Roof battens, PVC pipes, cable ties, neon lighting, waste paper, colour copies, overhead projector, foils
Groupexhibition with Oliver Blumek, Andreas Gehlen, Gereon Krebber, Katharina Maderthaner, Claudia Mann, Lars Rosenbohm, Susanne Themlitz und Katharina Wackermann at Dyssomnia, Weltkunstzimmer Düsseldorf, 2012
Andreas Gehlen’s fantastically swollen structures have also attracted our attention. The wing-like objects made of paper, on which various imaging material is projected, protrude from the walls and spread out into the bare storage space. Although they are quite spectacular and their steampunk aesthetics can’t completely save them from the accusation of effect-playing; their visual appeal, their superficial surreal character and Gehlen’s adequate use of space nevertheless outweigh in the positive assessment.